Santa Fe Stargazers
Regular Meeting on January 15, 2020
Robert Powers gave the meeting presentation entitled “Observing Double Stars: The Aesthetics and the Science of Binary Star Systems.” This was the first in a series of talks about observing certain kinds of astronomical objects.
During the business meeting, Tom Aldern gave an overview of upcoming public outreach events, especially the announcement of ALCON 2020 — the Astronomical League’s annual convention that this year will be held in Albuquerque on July 15-18, 2020. Robert Powers led a discussion to schedule winter and spring observing sessions; the group liked the idea of a Messier Party (not a Marathon) in late March. Jim Baker gauged interest in topics for upcoming meetings; Sam Finn signed up for a presentation on globular clusters at the February meeting, Jim Eagle on the spring night sky at the March meeting, and Tom Aldern on planetary nebulae at the May meeting.
The meeting was attended by 12 amateur astronomers.
-Reported by Jim Baker