Observing report submitted by Sam Finn
Site: Quedo (Observatory)
Started: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 9:25 PM
Finished: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 1:13 AM
Seeing: 3/5
Transparency: 4/7
Number of observations: 29
Session Notes:
Clear with low crud in S reflecting ABQ; lightdome NW.
Cas sinking into light dome.
Polaris/Betelgeuse alignment w/12.5mm error -0.428
8mm is at limit of seeing.
Humidity higher than would like, decreasing transparency. [PWS shows 75% rel, 32 deg dew point @ midnight]. Condensation showing on chair ~ 12:50, also notepaper moistening.
Neighbor across street keep driving in and out of driveway, turning car lights on and off, pointing toward observatory. V. annoying.
SQM-L@1:00 AM:
Z: 21.19
E: 21.12 @ 35d
S: 21.15 @ 35d
W: 21.15 @ 35d
N: 21.17 @ 35d
ID: NGC2613
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 083323-2258; Constellation: Pyx
Name: II-266; Mag: 10.4; Size: 7.2×2.1
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:40:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: Micro Guide 12.5mm; Magnification: 170x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. elongated. faint. brighter toward center: definite nucleus, disk/halo. nucleus elongated. ~1/20 fov.
13mm: brighter against sky. rich stellar field. wedged near 3 nearly co-linear stars oblique to disk. Line along with disk forms acute angle. on other side gal two dimmer stars, through which a line is ~parallel to gal disk
12.5mm: gal ~30 deg N of W (= 60 deg W of N = 30 deg S of E: verified with CdC).
ID: NGC2610
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 083324-1609; Constellation: Hya
Name: SAC4923; Mag: 14; Size: 0.6
User Notes:
User notes: SB=12.1 | Class=4(2) | MaxMag=15.9 | F;S;att to *13;*7 nf | H IV 35;PK239+13.1
User Notes:
User notes: SB=12.1 | Class=4(2) | MaxMag=15.9 | F;S;att to *13;*7 nf | H IV 35;PK239+13.1
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:54:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: pn. small. fuzzy, faint compared to field stars. dv. disk. shows some structure
26mm+OIII: faint. disk like. Responds ok: sky responds better. ghostly. Some evidence interior structure (hole).
26mm+NPB: responds, but as well as with OIII.
13mm: ghostly (gray), large, disc-like. Involves star at NE edge.
13mm+OIII: star barely present. Disk shows up much more nicely. May be star opposite side disc. No other evidence structure.
13mm+NPB: Does not respond present as well as with OIII. NE edge star present. Evidence for second stellar-like point at AV3.
8mm: NE edge star definitely present. PN large with disk. Perhaps evidence for second involved star, still AV3.
8mm+OIII: ethereal. Two *s involved (AV2). Evidence for donut hole, but no star in void.
8mm+NPB: Only single involved star (NE). Donut hole at AV3.
ID: NGC2718
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 085848+0618; Constellation: Hya
Name: SAC4951; Mag: 11.8; Size: 2.1×2.1
User Notes:
User notes: SB=13.3 | Class=SBab | F;pL;E;am 3* | H II 557
User Notes:
User notes: SB=13.3 | Class=SBab | F;pL;E;am 3* | H II 557
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:06:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. elliptical. Observing from high in chair.
13mm: gal. elliptical. brighter toward center. distinct halo, nucleus. disk suddenly brighter toward center with almost point-like nucleus. Orientation ~ 20 E of S.
ID: NGC2784
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 091218-2410; Constellation: Hya
Name: NGC2784; Mag: 10.1; Size: 5.1
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:16:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. brighter toward center. nucleus extended (not stellar).
13mm: not quite round to elliptical/not quite edge-on. well-defined core/halo. Sky bright, seeing not good (can’t get good stellar focus). nucleus extended along line. Hard to get orientation: not sufficiently well elongated. Best est is EW.
ID: NGC2811
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 091611-1618; Constellation: Hya
Name: II-505; Mag: 11.3; Size: 2.7×1
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:25:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. faint. elliptical. brighter toward center core. Possibly star involved in core, giving core appearance as if in two pieces. [NSOG: 14m star superimposed on core.]
13mm: sense of star or core being in two pieces still present. Orientation ~45 deg.
8mm: Hard to get/can’t get sharp focus. definitely either star involved or a second galaxy and looking at interacting galaxies.
ID: NGC2855
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 092130-1155; Constellation: Hya
Name: NGC2855; Mag: 11.6; Size: 2.7
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:35:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. round. gently brighter toward center. bright star in field not quite 1/2 fov away [26 Hya 4.7m]. No evident structure aside from nucleus distinct from halo.
13mm: R to r. nucleus, halo. Brighter toward center (as opposed gently).
ID: NGC2889
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 092712-1138; Constellation: Hya
Name: NGC2889; Mag: 11.8; Size: 2
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:40:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. faint. R. very gently brighter toward center. nucleus distinct from halo almost, but not quite av. Sky is bright.
13mm: R. nucleus more easily distinguished: gently bright toward center. Not quite stellar nucleus. Gal near and a bit N of line of three unevenly spaced stars, close to line midpoint than is middle star. [CdC: line of stars runs to NE.] Appears to be another gal to NW ~ 1/3 fov. [CdC: NGC2884.]
ID: NGC2884
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 092624-1133; Constellation: Hya
Name: SAC4990; Mag: 13; Size: 2.1×1
User Notes:
User notes: Class=Sa | F;S;r?
User Notes:
User notes: Class=Sa | F;S;r?
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:48:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
13mm: gal w/NGC2889.
ID: NGC2986
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 094418-2117; Constellation: Hya
Name: NGC2986; Mag: 10.9; Size: 2.5
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:51:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26m: R. suddenly brighter toward center. Stellar nucleus.
13mm: R. s.b.t.c. Immediately adjacent – <~1/20 fov to W is another faint fuzzy: perhaps another gal with star involved or s.b.t.c. [U3ed: MCG-3-25-18: 13.3m anonymous gal]
ID: MCG-3-25-18
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 094406-2117; Constellation: Hya
Name: PGC27873; Mag: 14.3; Size: 1.3×0.4
User Notes:
User notes: Class:S
User Notes:
User notes: Class:S
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:53:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
13mm:gal. faint fuzzy <~1/20 fov W from NGC2986 [id U3ed]
ID: NGC3115
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 100512-0743; Constellation: Sex
Name: SAC8256; Mag: 8.9; Size: 7.3×3.4
User Notes:
User notes: SB=11.9 | Class=E6 | vB;L;vmE 46;vgsmbMEN | H I 163;Spindle Galaxy
User Notes:
User notes: SB=11.9 | Class=E6 | vB;L;vmE 46;vgsmbMEN | H I 163;Spindle Galaxy
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:03:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: very pretty. edge-on well defined nucleus, halo, both elongated. sky bright.
13mm: very pretty!. edge-on, very elongated nucleus. sbtc. very elongated halo. 10d S of W (80deg) [Note: this is a bad orientation measurement.]
ID: NGC3242
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 102448-1839; Constellation: Hya
Name: PK261+32.1; Mag: 8.6; Size: 0.667×0.583
User Notes:
User notes: SB=5.4 | Class=4(3b) | MaxMag=12.3 | ! vB;lE 147;45” d;blue | H IV 27;Ghost of Jupiter
User Notes:
User notes: SB=5.4 | Class=4(3b) | MaxMag=12.3 | ! vB;lE 147;45” d;blue | H IV 27;Ghost of Jupiter
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:04:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 265x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: pn. bright. R. large. shows blue hue. uniform across disk with some evidence of fading in periphery.
26mm+OIII: presents nicely. much sharper. very uniform across disk.
26mm+NPB: presents nicely but OIII better.
13mm: large. solid disk with thin halo/atmosphere surrounding ~ 1/5 diam. No other structure.
13mm+OIII: atmosphere no longer present. Evidence for dark spot in center. hint present all time, but not always clearly present.
13mm+NPB: some evidence dimming toward center, fuzziness at edge.
8mm: Large. Bright. solid disk, hazy periphery ~ 1/5 diam. Blue hue. Focus hard: seeing not really sustaining 8mm.
8mm+OIII: some evidence of darkening at center – in and out: AV2. Otherwise solid disk with hazy periphery.
8mm+NPB: same desc except central void more difficult to see.
ID: NGC2974
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 094233-0341; Constellation: Sex
Name: I-61; Mag: 10.8; Size: 3.4×2.1
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:15:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. not sure: very very faint, very very close to field star.
13mm: gal def. present next to field star. suddenly brighter toward center. elliptical. nearly stellar nucleus shows some ellipticity.
ID: NGC3145
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 101012-1226; Constellation: Hya
Name: NGC3145; Mag: 12; Size: 3.3
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:20:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. close to bright field star (lam Hya ~1/10 fov to NE gal). r. (very) gently brighter toward center.
13mm: brighter toward center. not quite stellar nucleus. Halo appears elliptical to edge-on. Orientation 30deg
8mm: same desc as 13mm.
ID: M65
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 111854+1305; Constellation: Leo
Name: SAC5515; Mag: 9.3; Size: 9×2.3
User Notes:
User notes: SB=12.8 | Class=SBa | B;vL;mE 165;gbMBN | M66 subgroup
User Notes:
User notes: SB=12.8 | Class=SBa | B;vL;mE 165;gbMBN | M66 subgroup
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:35:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
w/M66, NGC3628
26mm: gal. high in sky: difficult to arrange chair for viewing. definite structure in M65, M66, but uncomfortable view position makes if difficult to study.
26mm: all three of Leo Triplett (M65, M66). Requires nearly entire fov.
ID: NGC3628
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 112018+1335; Constellation: Leo
Name: SAC5520; Mag: 9.5; Size: 13.1×3.1
User Notes:
User notes: Part of Leo Triplett. Rectangular with dust lane
SB=13.4 | Class=Sb | pB;vL;vmE 102 | H V 8;Leo group;disturbed
User Notes:
User notes: Part of Leo Triplett. Rectangular with dust lane
SB=13.4 | Class=Sb | pB;vL;vmE 102 | H V 8;Leo group;disturbed
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:40:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
13mm: very nice. structure: dust/dark lane dividing it sharply. very elongated. ~120 deg (30 deg S of E).
26mm: all three of Leo Triplett (M65, M66). Requires nearly entire fov.
ID: M66
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 112012+1300; Constellation: Leo
Name: SAC5518; Mag: 8.9; Size: 9.1×4.1
User Notes:
User notes: SB=12.7 | Class=SBb | B;vL;mE 150;mbM;2 st np | brightest in group;M 65 & NGC 3628 in field
User Notes:
User notes: SB=12.7 | Class=SBb | B;vL;mE 150;mbM;2 st np | brightest in group;M 65 & NGC 3628 in field
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:35:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
w/M65, NGC3628 26mm: gal. high in sky: difficult to arrange chair for viewing. definite structure in M65, M66, but uncomfortable view position makes if difficult to study. 26mm: all three of Leo Triplett (M65, M66). Requires nearly entire fov.
ID: NGC3513
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 110348-2315; Constellation: Crt
Name: NGC3513; Mag: 12; Size: 2.8
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:48:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
w/NGC3511 (NGC3513 SW of NGC3511)
26mm: gal. r. fainter than NGC3511. No evidence of nucleus.
13mm: stands-out better. no evidence brightening toward center; no evidence nucleus.
Nice pair: in darker sky would be very nice.
ID: NGC3511
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 110324-2305; Constellation: Crt
Name: NGC3511; Mag: 12; Size: 5.4
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:48:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. elliptical/elongated. brighter than NGC3513. No signs of nucleus.
13mm: stands-out better. involved star(s): at edges of disk and also a star near nucleus or a gently brighter toward center nucleus.
ID: NGC3521
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 110549-0002; Constellation: Leo
Name: I-13; Mag: 8.9; Size: 9.5×5
Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 11:59:00 PM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. elliptical to edge-on. suddenly brighter toward center nucleus that is nearly stellar but does show elongation. Orientation 135deg.
ID: NGC3516
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 110648+7234; Constellation: UMa
Name: NGC3516; Mag: 11.6; Size: 2.3
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:04:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. very! faint, very small: almost stellar (suddenly brighter toward center). Forms dog-leg with three field stars. No structure evident.
ID: IC3568
Type: P Neb; RA Dec: 123306+8234; Constellation: Cam
Name: PK123+34.1; Mag: 11.6; Size: 0.3
User Notes:
User notes: SB=6.7 | Class=2(2a) | MaxMag=12.9 | planetary or neb *9.5;*13 p 15”
User Notes:
User notes: SB=6.7 | Class=2(2a) | MaxMag=12.9 | planetary or neb *9.5;*13 p 15”
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:13:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: LP-3 Oxygen III; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: pn. small: nearly but not quite stellar. forms right tri with two field stars. pegs hypot and short leg. No evident color.
26mm+OIII: presents well.
26mm+NPB: presents well, but OIII gives better contrast.
13mm: definitely non-stellar. No evident color relative field *s.
13mm+OIII: presents well. no evident structure.
13mm+NPB: same desc except that feels a bit smaller in NPB
8mm: * very close but outside pn. Along hypot line planetary forms with two field *s.
8mm+OIII: Adjacent * disappears.
8mm+NPB: Desc. unchanged from 8mm+OIII.
ID: NGC3611
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 111730+0433; Constellation: Leo
Name: NGC3611; Mag: 12.2; Size: 2.4
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:24:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm+NPB: gal. faint. barely identified in 26mm; confirmed in 13mm. High in sky: need to use chair to reach ep.
13mm+NPB: r. brighter toward center; at av2 evidence for stellar nucleus.
8mm+NPB: a bit more apparent, but still very faint. a bit more evidence for nucleus. still r.
Note: didn’t realize NPB left in place from IC3568. Should return to review this observation.
ID: NGC3693
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 112812-1310; Constellation: Crt
Name: NGC3693; Mag: 13
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:29:00 AM-03
Found: False; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm+NPB: not found.
13mm+NPB: gal. very faint. gently brighter toward center. Much easier as av object. Two pairs of stars form orthogonal pointers toward it, and the other nearly toward it.
Discovered that had NPB in place. Pulled it
8mm: gal. Nothing more than previously identified with 13mm+NPB. 13mm: gal. elliptical. nucleus also elongated.
26mm: gal. found dv but largely because have identified the asterism that locates it.
ID: NGC3636
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 112024-1017; Constellation: Crt
Name: NGC3636; Mag: 13; Size: 1.1
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:38:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. difficult to locate. located after first found in 13mm.
13mm: gal found. Distorted pentagram: lawn gnome. Brightest star [HD98591 @ 6.5m] is peak of cone-hat. Next to peak of cone-hat along pentagram line. [Confirmed w/CdC.]
26mm: w/NGC3637, which is also adjacent to field star, but not along garden-gnome outline. w/NGC3636 and field star forms right tri with field star at right angle. lower surface brightness than 3637.
ID: NGC3637
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 112042-1016; Constellation: Crt
Name: NGC3637; Mag: 13; Size: 1.7
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:46:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 8mm Ethos; Magnification: 265x
Observation Notes:
26mm: Adjacent to bright [6.5m] field star. r. faint, but greater sb than 3636. no evidence nucleus. w/NGC3636 and field star forms right tri with field star at right angle.
13mm: readily identified. close to edge of seeing, however: can’t get stars to focus to points. 8mm: readily identified, but seeing stinks.
ID: NGC3732
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 113412-0951; Constellation: Crt
Name: NGC3732; Mag: 13; Size: 1.3
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:50:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
13mm: gal. near field star. R, fuzzy, almost uniform brightness across body. small.
26mm: very small, faint, definitely non-stellar fuzzy.
ID: NGC3672
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 112500-0948; Constellation: Crt
Name: NGC3672; Mag: 11; Size: 4.1
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:53:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. elliptical – 2:1 or 3:1. No evidence nucleus.
13mm: elliptical. no evidence nucleus/core. uniform brightness across body. ~ NS.
ID: NGC3640
Type: Galaxy; RA Dec: 112107+0314; Constellation: Leo
Name: II-33; Mag: 10.3; Size: 4.1×3.4
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:58:00 AM-03
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 26mm Nagler Type 5; Filter: DGM NPB; Magnification: 82x
Found: True; Telescope: Dob; Eyepiece: 13mm Ethos; Magnification: 163x
Observation Notes:
26mm: gal. small, faint, non-stellar fuzzy. w/halo, nucleus suddenly brighter toward center.
13mm: larger: halo shows larger, better; nucleus larger, non-stellar. Perhaps some evidence of structure but sky is not cooperating.