SFS Monthly Meeting
Vista Grande Public Library 14 Avenida Torreon, Santa Fe, NM, United StatesEveryone is welcome!
Watching The Sky Since 2019
Everyone is welcome!
Confirmed Group Dark Skies Observing. Weather permitting we’ll observe from the Galisteo "Cowboy Shack" Trailhead in the Galisteo Basin Preserve. This location has been made available to us by the Continue Reading →
Featured Speaker: Tom Aldern Title: "Star Gaze Planning and Execution" Agenda: Presentation by Tom Aldern Q&A Refreshments Working Group Reports Discussion New Business Adjourn
Group Dark Skies Observing. Weather permitting we'll meet at "Lot 1" (6 Colinas Del Sol, Lamy). Lot 1 is a graded and compacted building lot. It is the first lot Continue Reading →
Featured Speaker: Sam Finn Title: Gravitational Wave Astronomy Agenda: Introductions Presentation: Gravitational Wave Astronomy (Sam Finn) Q&A Refreshments Working Group Reports Old Business/Discussion New Business Adjourn
Santa Fe Stargazers will be on-hand to assist the Fort Union National Monument Park Rangers with their 27 July Night Sky Astronomy outreach event. At Fort Union's request the number Continue Reading →
Santa Fe Stargazers will be on-hand to assist the Fort Union National Monument Park Rangers with their 27 July Night Sky Astronomy outreach event. At Fort Union’s request the number Continue Reading →
Featured Speaker: Jim Baker Title: What Went Wrong in Argentina Agenda: Introductions Presentation: What Went Wrong in Argentina (Jim Baker) Q&A Refreshments Working Group Reports Astronomy Day Event: final planning Continue Reading →
Weather permitting the SFS will hold its monthly new moon Club Observe at the Galisteo "Cowboy Shack" Trailhead in the Galisteo Basin Preserve. This location has been made available to Continue Reading →
Join the Santa Fe Stargazers at the Vista Grande Public Library for an afternoon and evening of celebration of this autumn's National Astronomy Day. Activities include 1:00 - 2:30 PM Continue Reading →